Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

nous aimons le parfum!

If you're like us, you love perfume.  And you especially love Parisian perfume.

How fantastic is it that Carlin is now carrying L'Artisan Parfumeur in the shop?

"The L’Artisan perfume house was founded by a visionary perfumer, Jean Laporte in Paris in 1976. By now, his unique perfumes have become cult objects. Their creative, path finding creations are radically different from the host of commercial scents lining the shelves of perfumeries."

When you sample the lovely scents Carlin has chosen for her shop, trust me in this, you will have a very hard time picking which one to buy.  That's perfectly okay, just buy two!

"A L'Artisan perfume ignites true feelings or recalls magic moments of your life – whether it is a dreamy walk in the fig gardens, or a playful chase of butterflies under the blossoming orange and citrus trees..." -Neroli perfume & luxe

It's time for some romance. 

Available now at
C.A. Camp & Sannino
Downtown Charlottesville, VA  

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