Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

A Glamorous New Year ... Part II

Last Monday, we kicked off
this exciting new year of 2011
with a fun post featuring the new year's resolutions of
four of the eight Ooh La Frou Frou girls:
Hope, Alex, Cherie and Sunny.
If you missed it,
do scroll back to the January 3 post!!
This week we're continuing the fun with the
Ooh La Frou Frou girl resolutions of
Aimee, Violet, Tiffany and Belle!

Here we go!

Bonjour, fabulous girls!

You all know
I'm crazy for Paris ...

the cafes ...

Image via

... the flower markets ...


... the boutiques ...

Image of Christian Dior Paris via

... simply everything about the city of lights ...
Image via

I've often wondered what it would be like
to actually live in Paris, as opposed to being there as a tourist!
The few times I've been there,
I've always stayed in a lovely hotel,
but this year ...
my resolution is to get a better idea of
what it would be like to live there by planning
all of the details for a "summer fantasy!"
I think that life should be an adventure
and we should never stop looking for new ways
to make it so!
It will be a "fantasy" in which
some of the girls and I
will actually take out a short-term lease
on a romantic Parisian apartment
for two weeks and "pretend" we live in Paris!
During this two weeks, we want to shop at the markets,
cook and entertain, and basically life our lives as a Parisians
(well ... as closely as we can!).

A Delicious Fantasy!
I can't wait to start planning!
And you girls will get to see
Aimee's Parisian Adventure
on a summer post!!
Au Revoir for now, girls!

My resolution is a very "entertaining" one!
I usually wait until
summer's here to start planning
my fab rooftop parties.
I don't know how it happens, but it seems as if
I just put my feet up for just a few minutes
after the craziness of the holidays ...
and before I know it, it's June!

THIS year my resolution
is to plan a WHOLE SUMMER'S WORTH of
parties before summer is even around the corner ...
including menus, themes, guest lists!
Right now, nothing is planned
and my rooftop's like an empty tablescape in my mind
just waiting for glamour ...

I've purchased a stack of beautiful new entertaining books
and am ready to plan!

Image via
This image and following two via

Image from Alberto Pinto Table Settings

Image from Alberto Pinto Table Settings

By summer, I'll be party-ready!

I've been giving my signature style
a lot of thought.
You all probably know who my style icon is.

Image via

And sometimes I dress VERY Audrey,
as I did in one of our cards for brides-to-be
(that's me in the black, of course!)

If I had to describe my Signature Style, it would be that
I take a little Audrey and a little of my own personality
and mix it up to create a classic
vintage-inspired look that is my
signature style.
I've been doing a lot of scouting around
for items that match my style,
such as these vintage-inspired purses!
Images via
I keep a close eye out for vintage and vintage reproduction outfits
like this darling LBD from Etsy

or this glamorous dress from J. Peterman

I also purchase vintage patterns
and even though I can't sew,
I've found a tailor to stitch up the creations
in a fabric that is perfect!
I love the little pink dress in this pattern
and, of course, the Breakfast at Tiffany dress pattern!
Vintage patterns such as these can be found at
Mom's Patterns

And, of course, I can't have too many pairs of
gloves ... these are Portolano white cashmere elbow-length.

SO ...
in order to make sure I have lots of room
for all of these wonderful finds,
my new year's resolution is to go
through everything I have

and if it doesn't perfectly match my
classic vintage style,
off it goes to charity!

Tiffany Signature Style
will be all that remains in my closet in 2011!

I'll wind up our
Glamorous New Year II post for us
with my resolution!
I know that the artist (Sandy) has kept a book of her
"Favorite Things" for years.
She cherishes it and says that it makes her feel good
just to read through it.
I thought that it would be a fun idea to do, as well,
so I searched for a blank book that would
make me feel good each time I reached for it.
This pink alligator blank journal
was perfect,
so I had it embossed with "Belle's Favorite Things."

Now I have lots of lovely blank pages to fill in
with anything that I would classify as a true "favorite thing" of mine.
They could be simple things that cost nothing
or extravagant.treats.
I will keep the book handy and just write my favorite things
in by hand whenever I think of them!

I've made my Favorite Things book the source of my
new year's resolution.
I'm planning a life of joy this year and the Favorite Things concept seems a good way
to make joy happen often!
I plan to include one of my favorite things
as often as possible during the new year.
I'll just run my finger down my list
and choose one of the things that brings me
so much pleasure whenever I need a little joy!
Joy, joy and more joy all year long!
Here are some of entries I'll be making!

Fresh Crisp Bed Linens on My Bed Waiting for Me

Image via

Something Decadent to Make Me Sigh
Image via

Time with the Girls

Conde Nast Image via

Something to Make Me Feel Extra Beautiful

Image via

A Little Animal Print

Conde Nast Image Image via

Those are just a glimpse of mine ...
what are some things you'd put in your Favorite Things book?

I'll close this post for all of the Ooh La Frou Frou girls
and say thank you for joining us last Monday
and today for our kick off of a new, exciting year.
Don't miss next week
when we'll be introducing
a little love
with our two VALENTINE'S DAY cards!

The Ooh La Frou Frou girls!

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